Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Where I Belong

Ok, so I know last night I was all 'Freak out!' and mopey and most of you were probably all "Ugh, cyanide and razor blades much?" but today was SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT.

I mean, how could it not be?

Let's just say that we had our curriculum meeting for English Language Arts across the schools and it was just a giant gathering of women eating bagels and talking and I swear someone actually said

"My daughter-in-law is studying Library Sciences in Boston and I got to go on a private tour of the rare books...where I TOUCHED original works of Shakespeare and Canterbury Tales"

and like a well oiled freakin' nerdy ass book wormin' machine the entire room goes
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and I sighed contentedly to myself because, finally, FINALLY I have found a collection of people who understand me. Sure, I have girlfriends. The occasional other book-girl and Kelley is fantastic for a good rec but to be in a room with a ton of them at one time was just the mecca of gatherings in my mind.

From there one teacher asked me if I knew "What the fuck a nominative predicate" was and if I had read Olive Kitteridge this summer and we discussed how awesome it will be to teach Life of Pi to the 9th grade honors this year and I swear, I might have had an actual orgasm in line getting the bagels because the conversation was just that stimulating.

Well, that and nothing turns me on like an Everything with Shmear.