Sunday, September 28, 2008


I have the flu. Or as I like to call it, the bubonic plague because it is disgusting and I feel like I'm going to die. Everything hurts....even typing. However, typing this is better than doing my homework that was due two days ago so...anything for a little extra procrastination.
You know, it's weird. I'm pretty sure there was a time in my life when I was younger, like A LOT younger and obviously naive, when I thought things like buying my own groceries and paying my own bills and cleaning my own house would be cool. I could do them the way I wanted instead of the way my mom did them and I would feel like a grownup or some bullshit like that and it would be fun.
However, it is NOT fun. It blows. Buying your own groceries? Never freakin ending. I need food in this house constantly. Who keeps drinking all the damn milk? Where is the diet coke disappearing to? AND everything goes bad. I'm sticking to canned goods and freezer food from here on out because spending 5.00 on a watermelon that I can't finish in the week it takes to go bad is a complete freakin waste. No more fresh cauliflower or lettuce for lunches, bread that gets mushy and then hard in my cupboards, no more! I'm gonna go for that canned peas and frozen pizza lifestyle I hear so much about. It sounds fantastic.
ALSO I must have been on meth when I thought cleaning my own house was a good idea. I mean, there have been times in the past where I've felt great after scouring my apartment top to bottom. HOWEVER, cleaning this pig sty on a weekly basis is appalling. There is hair everywhere and trust me, it all doesnt look like its coming from heads if you catch my drift, which makes it even more upsetting to clean up. Dishes constantly. Everything sticks and dries on the plates, i hate touching damp sponges that have been sitting on the edge of my sink for two days in a pile of ketchup. Crumbs all over the floor. I need to find an illegal immigrant, preferably of the Mexican decent because I hear fabulous things about their skills, and see if they will clean my apartment on a weekly basis for a very low fee because I can't take this much longer.
Sorry I'm such a whiner. Work is going better, I was able to go in and talk to my boss about how terrible it is working there and she was able to make some adjustments to my schedule. I also start observing at Winchester Thurston Upper this week to start my observation hours for class. They said they wouldn't mind me teaching one of the classes some day in the future as part of my ob.hours and that sounds pretty cool. However, i tend to get worked up in those situations and rather than getting anything accomplished I'll probably get up there, vomit and have to go home early. Hooray!
Have to dry my hair, scrounge up something for dinner, finish the homework I've been putting off. Hope everyone had a better weekend than me!

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