Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wanted: Bagel Slicer and Toe Nail Trimmer

Alright kids, I'm on the hunt for a new job. My current employers, aka The Nazi's, are driving me crazy. They were nice for a while, you know, until they lure you into that job comfort zone and then abuse you to the point of no return. SO if you are aware of anyone in the Pittsburgh area who is hiring for anything...and I mean anything (see title of today's blog) please let me know asap so that I may confront my current job, give them the high sign for "eat me" and set the place on fire. Thank you for your help.
Other than that, nothing new here. I'm sick of cleaning up Scotty's lucious locks from the floor on the a weekly basis because the boy sheds like a Grizzly. If winter weren't approaching I would have buzz cut him in his sleep already but I also don't want to listen to him whine about pneumonia and other such nonsense due to his lack of heat retained in the head. The price you pay for love.
Classes are going well, I'm currently becoming an expert on integrating technology into today's classrooms. In case you're curious what that entails, it means I know how to work Power Point, a tv/vcr/dvd combo and an overhead projector. Just give me the A now.
alright, time to clean. sorry i was boring today, i had too much coffee this morning with double fudge mocha creamer and can't sit still.

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