Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I'm home. I'm repainting my room. Repainting entails mudding all the holes your douche bag cousin left in your walls before he moved in with someone else. It also means having to wait twenty four hours to do ANYTHING while the mud dries and then sanding it which takes practically twenty four hours to do. It also means having to wear this:

Which is my official SUPER SEXY repainting gear. Yes, those are my new Forever21 sunglasses I was planning on wearing around New York like a fashionista and yes, that is a surgical mask that I wore the entire day simply because I forgot it was there, even when I went into the Walmart to buy paint stirring sticks and got funny looks from everyone.
Sanding hurts. Literally, it gets in your eyes and your mouth and your nose and for three days all you have are crusty eye boogers and nose boogers and it's just yucky. Long story short, I will not be taking up professional mudding as a new career endeavor. Unless the pay is phenomenal. Any be that, I mean they would have to pay me in bricks of solid gold, and of course, kleenex. More pics later when the room is complete. For now, look at where I'm sleeping during the renovations:

Yes, that bed is a foot from the wall behind it. That dresser immediately beside it is covered in plaster shavings and dust, those walls are freshly one coated painted for that "I love to get high" scent all night long. And also, yes, I slept in the bed with the laptop. I have nowhere else to put it.

And lastly, here are the fiendish devils that keep running upstairs when no one is looking to do things like step on freshly painted heating vents and then track white prints throughout the house while looking at you like, "What? It obviously wasn't me."

I'm pretty sure my favorite thing about this photo is Bailey's expression. Hers is the face that is clearly saying "God, pictures are so lame" while Bridget, the yellow one, waits patiently for yet another picture of her darling self to be taken and lastly, Barney...oh Barney. He's so stupid. Seriously, I can't even figure out how God created something that slow. Yesterday, he peed on his own foot. I love him anyway though. I've been particularly loving to him the past three days as next week he's getting the boys cut off. And that can't possibly be fun.