Sunday, August 09, 2009

How I spent my Day

Today was awful. I mean, I normally start every post with "hey, by the way, today sucked" but in general I did way more today that I disliked than on a regular basis. Really stupid stuff, like took our three labs on an EPICALLY LONG WALK and then bathed them immediately after, followed by sit ups in the driveway on a balance ball for all of our neighbors to witness. However, I'm taking a different path today. I won't tell you how terrible it was. No, no. Today you get to witness it first hand on your own.

Try not to throw yourself at the screen when you witness the hotness that is me post exercise and washing a dog:

THEN because Jeff bought me Twilight the Game, Afton and I had to play it. Can I just say that if you saw the movie and thought it was retarded and a complete waste of your time, the game is even more so. It is like a vortex of confusion that sucks you in and there's no end and the whole time you're playing you're going "I thought this was a GAME. Aren't games supposed to be fun? What part of playing a game makes you want to stab yourself repeatedly?" and the answer to that would, of course, be The Twilight Game. Observe and again, I'M LOOKING SMOKIN, try to control yourself.

Let's just say I won and the game was put promptly under my bed until I can somehow trick my brother into playing with me one day. Not for his pleasure. For my own, torturous enjoyment.