Sunday, April 19, 2009

Creepy as F

Hey guess what there are a billion of in the world? More than Asians, there are blogger templates to choose from and it's mind blowing.
And I found the MOST PERFECT ONE. It was pink. Yes, pink. It was a cherry blossom tree and it was adorable and if it didn't totally give me a migraine trying to read between the leaves all of my pearls of wisdom, I would have kept it.

Guess what I'm terrible at? HTML. So I had to pick something else just for tonight. I could have chose the Zac Efron one (fabulous) or the PlayBoyBunny one (double fabulous and classy) but then I came across this one.
Something about it spoke to me. Perhaps it's the fact that she has ONE EYEBALL colored in. Maybe it's the fact that it's entitled "Watching" and that alone was enough to scare the bajeezus out of me. Whatever it is, I had to have it.

I mean SHE'S JUST SO FUCKING RIDICULOUS. It's like I'm stuck in the movie The Ring but instead of that kid who meows I've got some one eyed doll that just watches me and it's obscene. Seriously, I can't even come to my own blog.
Be prepared for more hilarity to ensue as I filter one template from another. I saw a Simpson's one earlier that was so fantastical I actually cried out, 'Doh!' before deciding maybe I need something a little more mature.

Then again, according to Cyclops here, maybe not.