Saturday, June 13, 2009

Clearly there's been a mixup

Hey, remember when I was all excited someone bought me a subscription to Time Magazine? Yeah, it was like all exciting and 'hey thanks you're awesome I love Time?' and then I was reading it weekly and LOVING EVERY SECOND OF IT?

The situation has gotten precariously out of fucking control because as of this week I am now the proud owner of not only a Time Magazine subscription but Rolling Stone, National Geographic and Traveler's Weekly. What??? How did this happen?
They were all sitting for me on the kitchen table this morning when my mother and I got back from the 5k we participated in (I would elaborate but really, I ran, I nearly died, I'm not doing it again) and she was all, 'What have you done?'

Seriously, WHAT HAVE I DONE? Not only am I so overwhelmed by all this new reading material, I'm so ecstatic I can't even be mad! I haven't seen a National Geographic since the fifth grade when kids in my class would look for naked people in them during silent reading time and suddenly it's like, how did I live before not reading about the conditions of Somalia and the natural resources we're depleting there? It's like I can't even get angry enough to acknowledge the small possibility that somewhere, somehow, SOMEONE is charging me an arm and a freaking Somalian Leg for these magazine subscriptions. I need more! I need O! and Rachel Ray's Cooking Mag...what ELSE IS OUT THERE?? Seventeen and Cosmo?! BRING EM ON BABY I LOVE MAGAZINES!!!!!

As if today weren't over the top enough, The Time Traveler's Wife movie trailer hit and I nearly crapped myself when it showed up on my twitter. Holy crap, what would I do without my many hands of technology and reading material reaching into the center of the Earth? I tell you what, give me a month and I'm going to have more knowledge than I know what to do with. You know what that means? WORLD DOMINATION, whatwhat!

In fact, in celebration, let me hear you say "Wayo!".