Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Live from Nat City

So I'm at work. And I'm doing what I do best at work - - apply to different jobs while surfing the net, pretending to be reading Retail Online for the latest and greatest information about being the best bank teller I can be. Whatevs, I'm giving my two weeks notice after work today.

So my real beef is that I was filling out my TeachNY application (one of the many I've done today...this one looks a TINY bit more promising than TeachMississippi but beggars can't be choosers, eh?) and I write this MONSTROUS lesson plan. I mean, really, the thing was epic. Ok, it was 5000 words which was the limit but really, it was the genius mastery of composition behind it that MAKES it so epic. And I'm stoked, I mean, really this is the best freakin lesson plan I've written in my entire life based around 70% of my students who are ELL learners and what I would do accomodate them while still helping my 10% overachieving students accel and it was just....agh it was fantastic.

Until I went to the "save and next" button and all of the sudden Microsoft Internet Explorer had an unexplained error and it got deleted and I'm on the verge currently of killing myself. I hope to God that James Morrison and his sweet, melodic voice can talk me down from the cliff on my lunch break because it's ugly round here. Seriously. Have never been this upset in my entire life. That's probably an exaggeration but really, my entire point to this post is that I hate technology and wish we were all still cave men carving things in stone tablets and driving cars powered by the fast, circular motion of our feet.
At least then I wouldn't...ugh, I don't know. Wonder. Know. See everything. Struggle with applications that could just as easily be sent using a pterodactyl instead of the net.

I hate the internet. I'm quitting. Starting tomorrow. Or maybe not. Still undecided.

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