Monday, July 20, 2009

I AM your Dojo Master

Today we took fifteen kids to martial arts class as a field trip for our summer camp.
Which means that someone...SOMEHOW SOMEONE felt it was a wise idea to load fifteen kids into a bus and trek them into downtown Rochester for one hour to learn how to kick and punch and yell "YAHHHHHH" like barbarians over and over and over again just so we could load them back into the bus and head back to school.

You know, so I could say things over and over the rest of the afternoon like "please don't kick your neighbor during silent reading" and "I don't care if you're trying to break that block of wood with your miniscule fingers, sit down" or my personal favorite
"You cannot karate chop someone else's ass crack, now you get a time out". In more or less words.

Exhausted. Hiya!