Sunday, May 16, 2010


This week, I'm going on vacation. I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to listen to your whining...I just want you to know that this week is well deserved. Much needed. Demanded on my soul, if you will.

I'll miss you greatly. Not that you'll really miss me, or even notice that I'm not part of your daily internet loop while pretending to work at your job...but still. I felt like you deserved a fair warning. No, I have not forgotten about Wine Tasting Part 2. But if I'm going to be able to finish it and the many, many, MANY other things I'd also like to articulate to you, my faithful readers, I'm going to need this week. Before this blog ceases to exist altogether.

Before I go out of my mind.

Before I lose all faith in humanity.

That's right. Blog Vacation can restore ALL THOSE THINGS. You know the one other thing in the world as powerful as Blog Vacation? Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips. And trust me...they go hand in hand.

See you in a week kittens.

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