Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dedication and The Devil

Kelley mentioned to me back in November that it was National Blogging Month and I totally missed it like a craptastic loser. However, with all my new free time I've come to the conclusion that I can make up for my mistakes or I can give myself a fresh pedicure daily with the many nail color options here in a household with three little girls (Kissed Mint is a color...could you blame me if I chose Option B?).
However, I will refrain and do my best. Here it goes. Blogging everyday for a month.

Well, at least a week.

Let me introduce you to Max:

Or as I like to call him, The Devil.
He's currently giving me that look because I'm interrupting his morning nap/"Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" watching and don't I know Dawn leaves that on for him when she runs errands as a special treat?
This is the same dog maybe a month ago, in a state of frantic panic while doing laundry, I couldn't find and spent several minutes scouring the house for, hoping he hadn't eaten anything poisonous (kind of) or fallen down a set of precipitous stairs (not really) or, Heaven Forbid!, run away all together (we can only hope). After much screaming and running and full out sweating I come down to my room to get my phone to call Dawn and the little monster is just laying. On my bed. HEAD ON PILLOW.

I think these are the kinds of moments young mothers talk about when their child has just been discovered in the bathroom completely covered in a tube of Crest and they're written on the walls with your lip pencil and you just know it's going to take seven Mr. Clean Magic Erasers to make this all go away but they're grinning up at you beneath Whitening Sparkle eyelashes with such a look that you think
"if you weren't this adorable, surely I would murder you."

And that is exactly what this dog is capable of. He ate a kitchen fork. "But he looks so happy!". He tore apart Madison's homework. "He looks really sorry though!". He nearly caused a massive heart attack. "Clearly he was just tired and needed a place to lay down." This dog is the devil who's stolen my heart.

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