Saturday, December 19, 2009

Oh Crap

It's 12:17 a.m. and I just got done watching this HORRIBLE Michelle Pfeiffer and Ashton Kutcher movie that I netflixed in a state of obvious insanity when I realized I didn't blog today. THREE DAYS INTO MY PACT Of blogging everyday and I have sucked it up already.
So, fine. I'm sorry. While listening to Alexi Murdoch this evening for some chance of inspiration to come, I was only reminded of the movie Away We Go in which A. Murdoch does the entire soundtrack in such a mystical fashion it should be illegal. Seriously, never seen the man in person and want to have his babies, it's just that mystical.
Which reminded me of a few short weeks ago when Beth and I sat together to watch the film and we were uncharacteristically quiet during the majority until I was finally like, "Uh...does he sort of look..." and was met with such an enthusiastic "OHMYGODYES" that we had to rewind and watch again our favorite and most ridiculous portions of the movie.

Because John Krasinski and Scott could be identical twins.
Oh, you don't know Scott? Scott is one of my best friends who, on occasion, looks homeless because he refuses to shower and shave and put on real pants. And while I can't exactly argue with the last statement for strictly hypocritical purposes I will say that SHOWERING IS A NECESSITY.

I mean, isn't that just silly? It's extremely weird to watch this guy in action in the movie as well because he's equally, if not more so, socially awkward and kind of fuddy duddier than my own friend. PLUS they have the same glasses. I mean Sam Mendes strictly made this movie to freak me out.
And for a minute, I was actually convinced they were the same person. I was all "WELP, clearly Scott is leading a double life and this is my opportunity to threaten to black mail him out of all of those 'The Office' millions he's rolling aorund in, in secret. I could use a new car. This is going to work out splendidly in my favor."

And then I saw this:

and I'm right back to knowing Scott and John Krasinski are DEFINITELY not the same person. At all.

Just say no to Mutton Chops and a 'Stache.

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