Monday, March 29, 2010

On Friendship

It has occurred to me recently that I have a lot to be thankful for.

Take this morning, for instance. I walk into my local 7-11 and the proprietor sees me coming, takes out a fresh pot from the burners and says "How about some blueberry coffee?"

Blueberry coffee? My favorite! Thank you, kind sir. And while, yes, I am in there everyday and it's just a well known fact that I like that flavored coffee and takes him merely thirty seconds to put together, it is kind all the same. And a little weird I spend that much time at 7-11.

It's important, I believe, to recognize the good when you feel the weight of the bad. Most recently I've been feeling the weight of life in general. The unknown job I might never get in the fall. The relationships lost due to lack of forgiveness on both parties. Financial burdens. The things that find their way into your mind when you just want to go to sleep on Sunday night so that Monday is at least bearable to make it through and yet you just can't.

No, I'm not drunk and depressed, nor am I tripping on E and full of love for others. I'm simply reflecting that when life is at it's absolute worst it really could always be worse.

I'm thankful for my friends, as weird as this may come out sounding during this post of deep depression and unhappiness. I'm thankful that I met this incredible group of kids in college and connected with them in all of their quirky ways.

I'm grateful for Kelley's expert advice on couch cushions and kama sutra. I'm grateful that Beth can picture any dreams I might have and make them her own, she wants them that badly for me.

Scott is the friend that I go to when I have questions about China's impending doom or why Native Americans have it so rough on those reservations. Matt will know about any book or movie I have questions regarding and be unafraid to tell me it sucks. Mark can help me build a fully functional computer or vehicle out of six toothpicks and some glue. Jason will pour me more wine and feed my HBO addictions. Rob will listen. Catherine knows everything there is to know about pop culture. The list is endless. The list is ever growing and ever changing. I am grateful for you, wherever you are...however long it's been since we last talked.

This is not my plug for more comments. This is not my way of making my blog more popular or more enticing or to make it seem like I'm a giant sap with no life and too much time on her hands (though thats the way it might appear to most).

I'm just here to say that I'm happy for each and every friend I've made thus far and I'm ready for more, should you choose to be mine. I see you out there, Louisville and Fenton. Rochester (of New York AND Michigan). I see you Virginia and Pennsylvania and Beverly Hills! I want to know you Ontario and Washington. And, yes, it might seem a little creepy and stalkerish that I can see when you come visit me but please know, it's not for any other reason than it simply makes me happy to know you're out there, somewhere, and that you read. That you're interested in what I have to say. That perhaps I am on your list of friends with a special purpose.
"Ashley is my friend that says stupid stuff on the internet"...."Ashley knows a lot about bad television"....whatever it may be!

Because I'm already grateful for the fact that you read me every day.
And now...I just want to know you. could you say no to that face?

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