Saturday, April 17, 2010

Do I Have The Heart To Go And Try It Again?

I'm currently in bed with my cat (God, Ash. WHAT ELSE IS NEW?) as we fight over my pillow and pad of paper. She seems to think that To-Do List materials are for her reclining pleasure and I'm pretty sure if she flops down on my highlighter one more time and acts like she doesn't know where it is as I tear my bed apart frantically looking for it....because HELLO I can't move on in life if I don't get to cross this one thing off the list immediately....I'm going to wreck her with said unshared pillow.

Did you ever notice how the process of making a To-Do List is essentially a reason to procrastinate even longer on things you actually have to get done? You get your cute pen and matching Hello Kitty stationary out and you think of everything...EVERYTHING you could possibly need to get done for over ten minutes that you could spend actually doing really productive tasks.

"Recap old markers.....God, that has been bothering me for a while....OH and I need to call So-And-So about that thing that I need her to do in July of next year...what else, what else? OH...that's right...come up with shelter plan for post-apocalyptic attack...." and so on and so forth until my To-Do list looks like a receipt from whenever I go to Target and I'm still in my sweatpants with nothing actually done.

This is my long and terribly drawn out way of saying that I am listening to The Rifles at top Laptop Speaker Performance and occasionally pushing my cat off my side of the bed, avoiding all responsibility for today.

And you can too. I give you permission.

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