Sunday, April 11, 2010

Yes I know I'm Going To Hell In A Leather Jacket

There's something about that lyric that just lights my fire (and not in the yucky way) with inspiration. There's something about acknowledging your human-ness - your ability to screw things up royally and embrace it.

I have had quite a few of those moments recently. Real, true, honest-to-God "Own up to the fact that you really f'ed this one up here, Ash" days these past few weeks. And while there is always a part in each of us that is too hard on what we've done - we're too judgmental, we're too full of expectation, we expect more than we know we're even capable of - we can still sit back and say out loud to no one....or maybe whoever we believe is listening that, Yeah, I DID really mess this up. I'm embracing it.

As my best friend Beth says "Take your medicine". And I'd like to follow that up with "and chase it with some tequila, because you will live. You have learned. You are better for your mistakes".

This kid is apparently the lead singer from The Strokes and while I'm not so up on my musical education that I really even know what they sing, I do know that he's a little bit techno, a little bit of a The Who channeler and looks like he could be the front runner of The Ramones.

And in my book, that is what I like to call SEX-AY.

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