Friday, January 29, 2010

No Personal Space

My sister made Snowcoming Court today. For those of you that don't know, Snowcoming is like the new Homecoming except it's freezing out officially and only hookers would stand outside with that little amount of clothing on for the sake of making a buck or looking pretty.

My sister is not a hooker, I'm just a little bitter. It's not that I don't love her although I suppose if this had happened to you, you might feel it was in the realm of possiblity. It's just that she came home last night all giggly about how she was telling her friends how weird I am and all the 'crazy little things I do to her' occasionally and how one friend, in SERIOUS AND DIRE CONFUSION, asked her, "Uh is your know, Special Needs?" and the amount of horror captured on my face the second I heard that relayed back to me was mildly like the horror you're about to see here:

If you'll excuse me, I have to go shower now. And immediately move out of my parents house.
Congrats Afton, on making SnowCourt!

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